Do you have a question about a product, an order or a visit? Need information to organize your upcoming event? Got an exciting collaboration proposal for us? Want to drop us a quick line?
Write to us

Distillerie de Montréal
5447 rue Chapleau
Montreal (QC) H2G 2E3, Canada
Our boutique is open Monday to Thursday from 9@16
Friday from 9@noon
Closed on weekends (except for booked activities: tours and workshops)
Montreal (QC) H2G 2E3, Canada
Our boutique is open Monday to Thursday from 9@16
Friday from 9@noon
Closed on weekends (except for booked activities: tours and workshops)
Pay us a visit! You are welcome to visit us on Sunday by reservation only.
Our boutique is open Monday to Thursday from 9@16
Friday from 9@noon
Closed on weekends except during reserved periods.
Our boutique is open Monday to Thursday from 9@16
Friday from 9@noon
Closed on weekends except during reserved periods.